Feras Dayoub

Feras Dayoub's Home Page


drawing I am a researcher at the intersection of computer vision, machine learning, and robotics, specializing in Embodied AI and Robotic Vision as part of the Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) at the University of Adelaide. I co-direct CROSSING, a French-Australian laboratory focused on human-autonomous agent teaming. In addition to my role at AIML, I hold an Adjunct position at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and serve as an Associate Investigator with the QUT Centre for Robotics. Previously, I was a Chief Investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision. My research is dedicated to advancing the reliable deployment of computer vision and machine learning on mobile robots in real-world environments. I worked on applied robotic vision projects spanning agricultural innovation, environmental conservation, and autonomous infrastructure monitoring. As an educator, I am passionate about teaching programming, computer vision, machine learning, and robotic perception.

Academic Career

Awards and Award Finalist

PhD Supervision

Current supervisions

  1. Out-of-Distribution Detection for Deep Semantic Segmentation
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
  2. Semi-supervised object detection for mobile robots
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
  3. 3D Scene Understanding and Change Tracking
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
  4. Embodied AI: Navigating and Decoding Complexity
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
  5. Deep Learning for Robotics in Open-World Conditions: Uncertainty and Continual Active Learning
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
  6. Autonomous Vehicles Localization without Detailed Prior Maps
    PhD, Principal Supervisor

Completed supervisions (Doctorate)

  1. Epistemic uncertainty estimation for object detection in open-set conditions (2021)
  2. Learning From Limited Annotated Data for Re-Identification Problem (2021)
  3. Performance monitoring of deep learning vision systems during deployment (2022)
  4. Control Strategies for Reactive Manipulation (2022)
  5. A Rapidly Deployable Approach for Automated Visual Weed Classification without Prior Species Knowledge (2018)
  6. Integrating Symbolic Spatial Information in Robot Navigation (2018)

My Research Themes

Autonomous Robots Perception Systems Monitoring and Failure Detection

This theme encompasses research on real-time monitoring and failure detection methods for autonomous robotic perception systems. These studies aim to ensure the robustness, safety, and reliability of autonomous systems, particularly under dynamic and complex environmental conditions.

Uncertainty Handling, Out-of-Distribution Detection and Open-Set Recognition in Object Detection

This research theme explores techniques to improve object detection algorithms, particularly in open-set conditions commonly found in robotic vision.

Computer Vision and Machine Learning Applications

This research theme focuses on leveraging computer vision and machine learning techniques to tackle various challenging applications.

Place Recognition and Semantic Mapping in Robotics

This research theme centres on employing Machine Learning methodologies for enhancing robotic navigation capabilities.


The University of Adelaide



Full and up-to-date list found here

Deepfruits: A fruit detection system using deep neural networks I Sa, Z Ge, F Dayoub, B Upcroft, T Perez, C McCool sensors 16 (8), 1222

On the performance of convnet features for place recognition N Sünderhauf, S Shirazi, F Dayoub, B Upcroft, M Milford 2015 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …

Place recognition with convnet landmarks: Viewpoint-robust, condition-robust, training-free N Sünderhauf, S Shirazi, A Jacobson, F Dayoub, E Pepperell, B Upcroft, … Robotics: Science and Systems XI, 1-10

Place categorization and semantic mapping on a mobile robot N Sünderhauf, F Dayoub, S McMahon, B Talbot, R Schulz, P Corke, … 2016 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 5729-5736

Evaluation of features for leaf classification in challenging conditions D Hall, C McCool, F Dayoub, N Sunderhauf, B Upcroft IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 797-804

Dropout sampling for robust object detection in open-set conditions D Miller, L Nicholson, F Dayoub, N Sünderhauf IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

An adaptive appearance-based map for long-term topological localization of mobile robots F Dayoub, T Duckett 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …

Long-term experiments with an adaptive spherical view representation for navigation in changing environments F Dayoub, G Cielniak, T Duckett Robotics and Autonomous Systems 59 (5), 285-295

Peduncle detection of sweet pepper for autonomous crop harvesting—combined color and 3-D information I Sa, C Lehnert, A English, C McCool, F Dayoub, B Upcroft, T Perez IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (2), 765-772

Robot for weed species plant‐specific management O Bawden, J Kulk, R Russell, C McCool, A English, F Dayoub, C Lehnert, … Journal of Field Robotics

Probabilistic object detection: Definition and evaluation D Hall, F Dayoub, J Skinner, H Zhang, D Miller, P Corke, G Carneiro, … IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2020

Visual detection of occluded crop: For automated harvesting C McCool, I Sa, F Dayoub, C Lehnert, T Perez, B Upcroft 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2506-2512

Evaluating Merging Strategies for Sampling-based Uncertainty Techniques in Object Detection D Miller, F Dayoub, M Milford, N Sünderhauf IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Vision-only autonomous navigation using topometric maps F Dayoub, T Morris, B Upcroft, P Corke IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems November …

Varifocalnet: An iou-aware dense object detector H Zhang, Y Wang, F Dayoub, N Sünderhauf Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …

Robotic detection and tracking of Crown-Of-Thorns starfish F Dayoub, M Dunbabin, P Corke IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg …

Robot navigation using human cues: A robot navigation system for symbolic goal-directed exploration R Schulz, B Talbot, O Lam, F Dayoub, P Corke, B Upcroft, G Wyeth 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1100-1105

Multiple map hypotheses for planning and navigating in non-stationary environments T Morris, F Dayoub, P Corke, G Wyeth, B Upcroft IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014 1 …

Find my office: Navigating real space from semantic descriptions B Talbot, O Lam, R Schulz, F Dayoub, B Upcroft, G Wyeth 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5782-5787

Semantics for Robotic Mapping, Perception and Interaction: A Survey S Garg, N Sünderhauf, F Dayoub, D Morrison, A Cosgun, G Carneiro, … arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00443